Dairy farms in turkey

Which country is best for dairy farming?

We highlight ten of the top dairy producing countries here:

  1. USA (91.3 billion kilograms)
  2. India (60.6 billion kilograms) …
  3. China (35.7 billion kilograms) …
  4. Brazil (34.3 billion kilograms) …
  5. Germany (31.1 billion kilograms) …
  6. Russia (30.3 billion kilograms) …
  7. France (23.7 billion kilograms) …
  8. New Zealand (18.9 billion kilograms) …

How many dairy cows are there in Turkey?

As there is a huge number dairy farm in Turkey, majority of them have less than 10 cows….4'th.

Key FactUnit
National Dairy Herd6,5 million cows
National Cow Milk Production~ 23 billion litres
Number of Dairy Farm1,1 million

Where are most dairy farms located?

Farm Milk Production Most major milk-producing States are in the western and northern areas of the country. The top five milk production States in 2020 were California, Wisconsin, Idaho, New York, and Texas. These States collectively produced more than 50 percent of U.S. milk supply.

Does Turkey have milk in it?

Turkey is dairy free. Turkey does not contain milk and should be safe for those with a milk allergy.

Which country has the best dairy cows?

India India has the greatest number of dairy cows in the world with over 40 million cows.

Which country is No 1 in milk production?

India is the world's largest milk producer, with 22 percent of global production, followed by the United States of America, China, Pakistan and Brazil. Since the 1970s, most of the expansion in milk production has been in South Asia, which is the main driver of milk production growth in the developing world.

How much is a cow in Turkey?

Despite these measures, domestic cattle prices rose to 3,762 Turkish Liras ($941) in 2017, a 20.4 percent increase compared to the previous year, according to official data released on March 28.